Post Show Report Obuv. Mir Kozhi 2022. Autumn

07 / 11 / 2022

The 57th edition of the International Exhibition for Shoes and Leather Products, Obuv. Mir Kozhi 2022. Autumn, took place at EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia, from 18 through 21 October 2022. The show has traditionally been one of the key events of the year for all market participants.

It was organised by EXPOCENTRE AO. Participation of Italian companies was supported by Assocalzaturifici, the national association representing industrial shoemakers in Italy.

Obur. Mir Kozhi 2022. Autumn has once again served as a networking platform for the world's leading manufacturers and representatives of wholesale and retail trade. Purchasers were able to place orders for new models of shoes, bags and accessories from the Spring/Summer 2023 collections. The show's visitors received the latest information on current shoe and leather goods trends.

Exclusive collections of fashionable shoes and leather goods were presented by exhibitors from seven countries: Belarus, France, Italy, Russia, San Marino, Spain, and Turkiye.

Traditionally, a large part of the show was taken up by Italian factories, most of which are companies with a long history. Italian footwear and leather goods are recognised all over the world, and the products are valued for their high quality, impeccable style and attention to detail. Once again, Italian manufacturers have proven that they are rightly regarded as trendsetters, and their quality and stylish products will always be relevant and in demand. 

This year, the show has brought together world leaders in footwear manufacturing such as Marino Fabiani, Loriblu, Giovanni Fabiani, Kelton, Pakerson, Pollini, Dino Bigioni, Thierry Rabotin, Brunate, Repo, Massimo Santini, Donna Soft, Roberto Rossi, Nila&Nila, FRU.IT, Ninalilou, Francesco V., Marzetti, and others.

As usual, Obuv. Mir Kozhi presented a wide range of bags, leather goods and accessories. Interesting collections were showcased by Cromia, Valentino Orlandi, Ghibli, Anekke, Orlandi Marino, Arcadia, Carlo Salvatelli, Gironacci, Braccialini, and many others.

Experts from 75 Russian regions came to this autumn edition. Industry professionals held meetings, established new contacts, and concluded lucrative contracts for the wholesale supply of footwear and leather goods directly from manufacturers.

EXPOCENTRE AO and the Kosygin Moscow State University of Design and Technology organised the traditional Shoes Design 2022. Autumn Festival of Your Designers. The event allows young designers to make a name for themselves within the professional community and present their work to fashion industry experts.

The results of the Festival of Young Designer can be found on the show's website. 

We are looking forward to seeing you at Obuv. Mir Kozhi 2023. Spring in Pavilion No.7 of EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia, from 14 through 17 March 2023.

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Press Service, EXPOCENTRE AO
